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Map Scanning

When scanning maps in the purpose of cataloging them in our map database, certain rules need to be followed.

Resolution & Format

All maps have to be scanned at the resolution of 400ppi, and be saved as TIFFs.

The TIFF files are intended for archival purposes. In this way, they need to be converted as full quality JPEGs that are then used in VCP's platforms. All scans also have to be converted in five different resolutions: 400dpi, 300dpi, 150dpi, 50dpi. These different resolutions are for the different uses that can be made of the map on internet.

The TIFFs are intended to be archives on our storage system.

Citation & Legend Translation

When scanning a map you need to make sure to write down all the information about it (publisher, year of publication,…) according to the metadate required for Map Cataloging.

When a map is not in English, its legend need to be translated in English. For this matter, refer to Map Cataloging.

Name of the files

See instructions in Name Conventions.

Zip Files

Once the map is converted in a 400ppi jpeg file, once its information are converted in a pdf file, the resulting three files have to be compressed in a zip archive, and save for archiving purposes.

map-scanning.txt · Last modified: 2013/05/27 09:15 by chenriot