- all file names must follow the naming conventions below: Basic structure: “area name”_”content”_”year”, e.g. CM_Occupation_1948 for a file on the Chinese Municipality (CM) with a focus on Occupation in the year 1948. - all files are created and stored in the Population Data folder on ShareDocs - all revised files will be placed in a separate folder: Pop-Data-Revised
- all final files will be placed in a separate folder: Pop-Data-Validated - add “v” to file names, e.g. CM_Occupation_1948v
The various districts that composed Shanghai at various times in the history of the city will be treated as individual areas coded in the following way in the statistical tables:
CM = Chinese municipality (after 1927) - 市政府
CC = Chinese city (before 1927) - 華界
FC = French Concession - 法租界
FS = Foreign settlements - 公法两租界
HX = Huxi - 滬西
IS = International Settlement - 公共租界
NS = Nanshi - 南市
PD = Pudong - 浦東
SH = Shanghai - 上海
WC = Whole city - 全市
ZB = Zhabei - 閘北
The structure of files will vary with content, but some columns are compulsory and must be included in any file:
- No frame or any kind of separator between the columns and lines.
- Labels should always appear in BOLD letters.
- ID: the ID column is always the first column in any file. It is a numbering system from 1 to …X for each table. It should always reflect the order in which the data was entered.
- When the same information is provided in both English (or pinyin) and Chinese, the column in English (or pinyin) should come first, followed by the column in Chinese.
- Source: Short name of the source. In case of multiple sources, create columns as required (“Source1”, “Source2”, etc.). When relevant, indicate the page number(s) WITHOUT p. or pp.
-VSBIBID: before creating a new table or when revising a table, make sure to add the full reference of the source in Virtual Shanghai → Bibliography. The document will receive an ID number. Copy this ID number in the VSBIBID column.
- Year and Month: always include a column with the year (production/publication of the data); if the date is provided in more detail, add one column for month (but no for day). This does not apply to tables where year are a variable themselves.
Nota bene: In the Virtual Shanghai Bibliography, always add the “WMS” keyword in the English keyword field.
Filemaker Table Register:
- Records: give the number of lines in which there is data. Labels and totals do not count as data.
- Contributor: initials of the contributor: CC for Christine, CH for Christian, JJ for Jiang Jie, SL for Shi Lu, XC for Xuchong. We’ll create more as we go.
The basic rule is that the data should be entered exactly as it appears in the original source to keep a reliable trace of the original source.
Data can be customized to fit the models enabled in the project. No predefined model at this stage, but we’ll need to document how we structure our data, especially with reference to space (e.g. district name on the x axis or y axis?).
In the files that list the nationality of the population, the standard rule is to use the name of country (France, China, Great Britain, etc.), not French, Chinese, British.
In the original sources, there are “aberrant” denominations in terms of nationality such as “Eurasian”, “Jewish”. There is also sometimes a “Stateless” category. The latter may designate both Central European Jews (after 1939) and White Russians (after 1921).