Upper line:
New query: to start a new query in one or several fields
Dictionary of actors: will open a new window with the list of used up and free actor ID numbers
Gender/Age: Will display actions according to the age and gender of actors
Chronological sorting: Will sorted in chronological order the selected records
Will display all technical fields [RESERVED TO MANAGERS]
Will set the screen size parameters to 1280 pixels
Will display the selected records in the print layout ready for printing
Longer text: Will switch to the longer display of actions: the text in the action field will fill in the whole field
Action expanded: Will witch to the main expanded layout for all action fields
Action/Grouping: Displays the grouping unit + linked actions, starting from the action layout when there are documents linked to an action.
Will switch to the ballots layout. Displays the ballot subsystem.
Lower line
Will launch a query based on relations between two selected actors
Dictionary of action: XXXX
Life course: Will extract the life course of an actor
Alphabetical sorting: will sort alphabetically the selected records
Will display all the fields of the database
Will set the screen size parameters to 1400 pixels
Will close the Action Main window
Will display the records with all names filling their respective fields
Will display actions along with P3 and P4 identifiers
Will launch a query on the on-the-way coding field [ADVANCED LEVEL]
Upper line
Will switch to the main layout for grouping units [XXXX requires explanation]
Will switch to the layout for secondary bibliographical sources
Will switch to the layout for primary bibliographical sources
Will switch to the geography subsystem [XXXX requires explanation]
NavigoCorpus: Will switch to NavigoCorpus (DISABLED IN THE CHINA DATABASE)
Will switch to the Characters subsystem [XXXX requires explanation]
Lower line
Group/Action: Will display the grouping unit + actions, from the grouping unit [XXXX requires explanation]
Will create a new grouping unit, starting from an event [XXXX requires explanation]
Source archive: Will switch to the layout for primary bibliographical sources
Will switch to the ballots subsystem (ballots in front line) [XXXX requires explanation]
Will switch to the genealogy subsystem
Will open the catalog of informations on nobility (DISABLED IN THE CHINA DATABASE)
Will switch to the main layout for table [XXXX requires explanation; tooltip unclear]
Upper line:
Coding age: Will switch to a layout that displays actions, along with the age of the actor at the time of the action.
Will display a special layout for the upgrading of sources and place fields.
General: Will display all the data fields and coding fields of the database [MANAGERS ONLY]
Lower line:
Permanent coding: Will display a specific layout for the permanent coding of actions.
Coding actor: Will display the on-the-way coding layout of actors.
Import external data: Will display a layout to enable the import of data from an external source [MANAGERS ONLY].
Will open the Diem, a dictionary of all defined terms, in terms of content, not the technical aspects, in the database.
Will open the chronology of all actions in its current state.
Will open a window with explanations on the currently opened record window.