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Image cataloging

This is the first outline of a document that will define rules and definitions for the input of data into the VCP platforms. It will serve as a reference document to ensure all participants work along the same lines. Of course, this document will evolve over time. It will be updated regularly on the basis of all the suggestions received.

Metadata fields


automatic ID number

Image file name:

name of the original file (see below)

As a standard procedure, the ID number shall be defined as follow after the creation of the corresponding notice so as to include the automatic ID number in the file name and before uploading the file. All image shall follow the the following format:

ID_0000_xxxxx_1945.jpeg. “0000” represents the automatic ID nuumber assigned by the server; “xxxxxxx” represents any form of qualification you may want to add to help identify the content of the image (it can be “xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx”, but do NOT use undescore _ here); “1945” represents the year of image production (if you know it); if not, just do not indicate anything. This will guarantee to maintain the connection between the online record and the archived image file.

When an image comes with information both on the front and the back – eg. postcards, hand-written note on photograph, etc. – then both files are named after the same number ## in the ID. They are differentiated by the addition of “-front” or “-back” after the ID. Examples: ID_7-front_1867, ID_7-back_1867.


Title of the photograph: ENGLISH + LOCAL LANGUAGE (Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, etc.)

Titles are all in English, with Chinese or any other language as relevant.


Name of the place where the photograph was taken


GIS coordinates (to be done by a specialist unless otherwise instructed)

Date annotation:

free text field for images for which the exact year is not known: e.g. circa 1960

Computing date:

exact date when the photograph was taken – Format: 1868-02-10 [for 10 February 1868] (if part of the information is unknown (month or days use “0” [zero]: 1868-02-00 when day is unknown ; 1868-00-00 when month and day are unknown – leave blank or 0000-00-00 when no information is available at all. Note that respecting the format exactly [1868-02-10] is essential.

Estimated period:

estimated period when the photograph was taken – Format: always use exact year limits: YYYY-YYYY (no 19th century, no 1930s, etc.). For “1930s’”, use “1930-1939”. Whenever possible, indicate the narrowest period (eg. “1933-1939”)

Caption on print:

any text or inscription on the photograph itself – always reproduce the original in its original form (spelling, caps, etc.)

Caption on mount:

any text or inscription on the support (rector or verso) outside of the photograph itself– always reproduce the original in its original form (spelling, caps, etc.)


this is a fixed menu. Select one of the items.


this is a fixed menu. Select one of the items.

Private repository:

indicate here the exact origin of the photograph (name of the owner or provider of the image). This field is for internal use only. It is never displayed on the Web.

==== Repository: ====

indicate here the current repository of the photograph – in the case of private collections (family album), always indicate “private collection” unless otherwise instructed – in all other cases, there should be the name of an institution. This may be turned into a fixed menu.

Call No.:

call number of the photograph or the file where it is located in the repository.


indicate here the source of the photograph when it is issued from a book, periodical, or any form of publication, including digital sources. In the case of published materials, paste here the URL of the bibliographical reference from the Bibliography.


indicate here the page(s) in the volume (Source) from which the photograph was reproduced

Information data:

write here any type of information that is relevant to the photograph. It can be a comment, an essay, etc.


write here all the keywords that are relevant for the photograph. A basic set of English keywords is compulsory, even if you choose to document the photograph in another keyword field (Chinese, French).


- must be written in their respective fields for English, French (or any other language) and Chinese

- must include at least one keyword from the typology defined for the project

- shall not include no abstract words or concepts

- must be based on a systematic description of what can be seen on the photo, including details (flag, tree, etc.)

- keywords are separated by a semi-colon [;] only. Do not use any other separator. No space is necessary between keywords.

Keywords (French):

Optional: write here all the keywords that are relevant for the photograph. For “keywords”, see the general rules in the beginning.

Keywords (Chinese):

Optional: write here all the keywords that are relevant for the photograph. For “keywords”, see the general rules in the beginning.

Setting: you can add here any element of information about the location where the picture was taken. It can be any place, provided it is an identifiable location on a map (e.g. Fuxing Park, Great World, Sincere Department Store, Bubbling Well, etc.). You may use it to add a precision on street location (such as “corner of Route Frelupt”, “near the Majestic Hotel”, etc.


indicate here the name of the street where the picture was taken. The following rules apply:

- no indication of “street”, “road”, “avenue”, “square”, “rue”, “boulevard”, etc. Only the proper name of the street: “Nanking”, Edward VII, etc.

- the name shall always be given in the original spelling, including for street that also had Chinese names in the Settlements and Chinese municipality; always use the transliteration used at the time.

- Foreign settlements: use English or French names up to 1945. This is an arbitrary demarcation line for practical purposes, even if foreign settlements were abolished in July 1943. Use Chinese names in pinyin transliteration from 1946 onward.

- for current Chinese names, always use pinyin with the following rules :

* capitals only on proper name (Nanjing, Fuzhou, etc.) ; no capitals on « lu », « dong », etc.

* for names that have more than two characters, always merge them into one word (Dashalao, Qingyuanhuan, etc.)

* for “nanlu”, donglu”, etc., always write them as one word, except when there are sections (Zhongshan dong yi lu)


you can add here a link to the source of the image or to a relevant site. When entering the URL, please DO NOT write http://. This is a security device to prevent “Remote File Inclusion Attacks”. Start from “www” or the relevant string of characters that indicate the actual address.

Repository1, 2, 3:

You can provide up to three different institutions if the same image is to be found in different institutions.


Indicate here the name of the institution where the image is stored.

To select an institution, click on the select button at the end of the field. A new window will appear with the list of all institution listed by alphabetical order. The name of each institution must have been entered in the “Reference” database (Repository) before you can select it from the list (see Reference guide page).

Click on the “Delete” button to erase the name of an institution.

Call No:

if relevant, you can add the Call No or Box No of the image. This is a manual field.

Source1, 2, 3:

You can provide up to three different publications if the same image was published in different publication.


indicate here the source (book, article) from which the image was reproduced.

To select a source, click on the select button at the end of the field. A new window will appear with the list of all publications in alphabetical order of their author. In the case of anonymous publications, select the “<” at the start of the string of alphabetical letters (titles are also arranged by alphabetical order). The name of each publication must have been entered in the “Reference” database (Bibliography) before you can select it from the list (see Reference guide page).

Click on the “Delete” button to erase the name of a publication.

Page Nbr :

If you have the exact page number, you can type it in here

Photographer1, 2, 3: You can provide two different authors (photographer) if the same image is to be found in different institutions.


Indicate here the name of the author of the photograph.

To select an author, click on the select button at the end of the field. A new window will appear with the list of all photographers in alphabetical order. The name of each photographer must have been entered in the “Reference” database (Biography) before you can select it from the list (see Reference guide page).

Click on the “Delete” button to erase the name of a photographer.

Shanghai Building:

This field allows you to link a photograph to the location of the actual building (or the location where the building was in the past).

To select a building, click on the select button at the end of the field. A new window will appear with the list of all building in alphabetical order. The list of buildings is maintained and updated by the Virtual Shanghai Project. You cannot add new names. You can contact the team if you can provide additional input. All locations must be provided with their GIS coordinates.

Note(s) :

This is a free field if you need to add information or comments on the building.

References1, 2:

You can provide up to three different references of publications related to or relevant for the image.


indicate here the reference.

To select a reference, click on the select button at the end of the field. A new window will appear with the list of all references in alphabetical order of their author. In the case of anonymous publications, select the “<” at the start of the string of alphabetical letters (titles are also arranged by alphabetical order). The name of each reference must have been entered in the “Reference” database (Bibliography) before you can select it from the list (see Reference guide page).

Page Nbr :

if you want to refer to a specific section of the reference, indicate here the page number.

File(s) Upload :

this is where you will upload the image file itself. You can upload up to two images, although this should be the exception as each image should come with its own record. You can use this for duplicate images or for a picture of the same building in a historical photograph and today.

Restricted access to enlarged picture:

Unless you have very serious reason to limit the access to a given picture, do not use this feature. It will severely restrict the size of the displayed image on the web.

Note that all the images displayed on the web by Virtual Shanghai automatically come in low resolution (72 dpi) and are unfit for publication. The issue of piracy, therefore, is irrelevant.

If there is a copyright attached to the image, especially for people who might be interested in getting a full copy of the image, indicated here the name of the copyright holder and, whenever relevant, any indication about the conditions under which the image is displayed on Virtual Shanghai (such as “Courtesy of…)

You can choose here where the text of the copyright will be displayed. Unless you have very specific reasons, please avoid displaying the text across the picture itself. There would be no point in displaying a disfigured image. You can try out the various types before you select one.

images.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/26 16:20 by tooladmin